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P-32 32ACP 2.68" Black Grips Blued

Manufacturer: KelTec
Part Number: P32BBLK
Product Code: 640832000450
Price: $289.95
Quantity available: 40

The P-32 is designed for maximum concealability. It is lighter and flatter than any self loading gun ever produced. This has been achieved by using a locked breech combined with the revolutionary composite structure of our successful P-11. The firing mechanism is slide assisted double action only employing an internal hammer block Trigger pull is only 6 lbs. Model .32 ammunition is very effective. The P-32 can shoot any configuration including hot European or American +P cartridge. All edges are rounded sight are integrated and the slide stop internal for a snag free deployment.

This product is in stock at our distributor and is available for special order. To learn how to do it, please click here.