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Manufacturer: Cimarron Firearms Co
Part Number: AR410
Product Code: 844234420463
Price: $719.95
Quantity available: 2

Cimarron's Arizona RangerTM Competition SA is the best competition ready model in our extensive line of classic peacemaker-style revolvers. What sets this sixgun apart from other single actions are the wide square-notch rear sight and wide constant width front sight along with slim checkered grips for a better and firmer hand fit and an action tuned in the U.S. by Cimarron's skilled gunsmiths. This fine tuning incorporates Cimarron's made in USA competition hammer and trigger/bolt springs that are lighter smoother and permit a crisp no-creep trigger pull and improved internal parts to enhance reliability. Get yours with a Pre-War frame and standard hammer. Each Arizona Ranger six-shooter sports Arizona Ranger roll engraved on the barrel.

This product is in stock at our distributor and is available for special order. To learn how to do it, please click here.