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CKCMMGColtConnecticut Valley Arms, Inc.CrickettCZCZ Custom
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PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 7MMREM 22 CF BLK1378718430681378711 (special order)$3,799.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 6.5PRC 22 CF BLK1378578430681378571 (special order)$3,699.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 7MMREM 22 CF TFDE1378888430681378882 (special order)$3,799.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 7PRC 22 CF TFDE1379018430681379015 (special order)$3,799.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 7PRC 22 CF BLK1378958430681378951 (special order)$3,799.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 6.5CREED 22 CF BLK1378338430681378331 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 LH 7MMREM 22 CF TFDE1377898430681377891 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 LH 6.5PRC 22 CF BLK1377588430681377581 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 LH 7PRC 22 CF BLK1377968430681377961 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 LH 308WIN 20 CF TFDE1378268430681378261 (special order)$3,099.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 LH 7PRC 22 CF TFDE1378028430681378021 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 300WIN 22 CF BLK1379188430681379181 (special order)$3,799.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 LH 7MMREM 22 CF TFDE1380698430681380691 (special order)$3,799.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 LH 6.5PRC 22 CF TFDE1380458430681380451 (special order)$3,699.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 LH 300WIN 22 CF TFDE1381068430681381061 (special order)$3,799.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 LH 22ARC 20 CF TFDE1388098430681388091 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 LH 22ARC 20 CF BLK1387938430681387931 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 308WIN 20 CF TFDE1380078430681380072 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 300PRC 22 CF BLK1379328430681379321 (special order)$3,799.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 300WIN 22 CF TFDE1379258430681379253 (special order)$3,799.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 223REM 20 CF BLK1379568430681379561 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 308WIN 20 CF BLK1379948430681379941 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 2.0 RH 223REM 20 CF TFDE1379638430681379631 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION RIFLE 7MM PRC 24 1-8 TFDE1354338430681354331 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION RIFLE 7MM PRC 24 1-8 BLK1354268430681354261 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 300PRC 22 CF BLK1375508430681375501 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 300WIN 22 CF BLK1375748430681375741 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 300PRC 22 CF TFDE1375678430681375672 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 7MMREM 24 1-8.4 BLK1284668430681284662 (special order)$3,699.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION RIFLE 7MMREM 24 1-8.4 FDE1275208430681275204 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION RIFLE 6.5CREED 24 1-8 FDE1274388430681274382 (special order)$3,099.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 7MMREM 24 1-8.4 FDE1278898430681278892 (special order)$3,699.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION MTR 300WIN 24 1-10 BLK1284048430681284041 (special order)$3,699.00 MAP
Elevation 7mm Rem Mag 24" Black Granite1283508430681283501 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 300WIN 22 CF TFDE1375818430681375813 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 308WIN 20 CF BLK1376738430681376731 (special order)$3,099.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 7PRC 22 CF TFDE1376668430681376662 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 LH 300WIN 22 CF TFDE1377278430681377271 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 LH 6.5CREED 22 CF TFDE1377418430681377411 (special order)$3,099.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 LH 6.5CREED 22 CF BLK1377348430681377341 (special order)$3,099.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 7PRC 22 CF BLK1376598430681376592 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 6.5PRC 22 CF BLK1376118430681376112 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 6.5CREED 22 CF BLK1375988430681375981 (special order)$3,099.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 6.5PRC 22 CF TFDE1376288430681376283 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 7MMREM 22 CF TFDE1376428430681376423 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP
PROOF ELEVATION 2.0 RH 7MMREM 22 CF BLK1376358430681376351 (special order)$3,399.00 MAP

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