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Vector SDP-E 45ACP 6.5" MK5KV45PBL308116070336183 (special order)$1,339.99 MAP
Vector SDP G2 .45ACP 5.5" FDEKV45-PFD208102370230514 (special order)$1,269.99 MAP
Vector SDP-E G2 .45ACP 6.5" TBKV45-PAP308116070335883 (special order)$1,369.99 MAP
Vector SDP G2 .45ACP 5.5"KV45-PBL208102370230443 (special order)$1,249.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G3 9MM 10RD 16" CAKV90-3CBL038116070399865 (special order)$1,659.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR SDP G3 9MM 5.5" 10RD BLKKV90-3PBL018116070398633 (special order)$1,379.99 MAP
Vector SDPE G2 .45ACP 6.5"KV45PFD308116070336013 (special order)$1,369.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G3 9MM 16" 40RD BLKKV90-3CBL0081160703995512 (special order)$1,609.99 MAP
KRISS SDP G2 45ACP 5.5" TB 30RD ALPKV45-PAP208102370230755 (special order)$1,269.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB 45ACP 16" 30RD FDEKV45-CFD208102370232354 (special order)$1,499.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G2 45ACP 16 FDE 10RD CAKV45CFD228102370232591 (special order)$1,549.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB 45ACP 16" 30RD BLKKV45-CBL208102370232045 (special order)$1,479.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB 45ACP 16" 10RD CAKV45-CBL228102370232286 (special order)$1,519.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G2 45ACP 16 MC FDE 30RDKV45CMCFDE208116070368791 (special order)$1,749.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB ORIGIN 45ACP 30RDKV45-CORG158116070369164 (special order)$2,119.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G2 45ACP 16 MC ALPINE 30RDKV45CMCALP208116070367941 (special order)$1,749.99 MAP
KRISS VEC CRBG2 45ACP 16" 30RD MCBLKKV45-CMCBLK208116070368311 (special order)$1,749.99 MAP
Vector CRB G2 9mm 16" Alpine White 17RDKV90-CAP208102370231744 (special order)$1,499.99 MAP
Vector SDP-E G2 9mm 6.5" TB 17RD MK5 BLKKV90-PBL308116070336636 (special order)$1,339.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR SDP PSTL 9MM 5.5" FDEKV90-PFD208102370230134 (special order)$1,269.99 MAP
KRISS SDP-E G2 9MM 6.5" TB 40RD ALPKV90-PAP308116070336323 (special order)$1,369.99 MAP
Vector SDP Gen 2KV90-PBL208102370230067 (special order)$1,249.99 MAP
KRISS SDP G2 9MM 5.5" TB 40RD MCFDEKV90-PMCFDE208116070371422 (special order)$1,539.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR SBR 9MM 5.5" 40RD BLKKV90-SBL2081023702338914 (special order)$1,429.99 MAP
Vector SDP-E G2 9mm 6.5" FDEKV90-PFD308116070336564 (special order)$1,369.99 MAP
KRISS SDP G2 9MM 5.5" 40RD MCBKV90-PMCBLK208116070354903 (special order)$1,539.99 MAP
Vector SDP Gen 2 Alpine WhiteKV90-PAP208102370230374 (special order)$1,269.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB 9MM 16" 10RD BLK CAKV90-CBL228102370231055 (special order)$1,519.99 MAP
Vector CRB G2 16" 9mm FDEKV90-CFD208102370231125 (special order)$1,499.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G2 9MM 16 ALPINE CA LEGALKV90CAP228102370231982 (special order)$1,549.99 MAP
Vector CRB G2 9mm 16" BlackKV90-CBL208102370230827 (special order)$1,479.99 MAP
KRISS VEC CRB G2 9MM 16" 40RD MCBLKKV90-CMCBLK208116070370672 (special order)$1,749.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G2 9MM 16 MC FDE 40RDKV90CMCFDE208116070371042 (special order)$1,749.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB 9MM 16" 10RD FDE CAKV90-CFD228102370231367 (special order)$1,549.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G2 9MM 16 MC ALPINE 40RDKV90CMCALP208116070370292 (special order)$1,749.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G2 45ACP 16 ALPINE 10RD CAKV45CAP228102370233104 (special order)$1,549.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRBG2 10MM 16" 33RD FDEKV10-CFD208102370246455 (special order)$1,499.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB GEN2 10MM 16 FDE CA COMP 10RKV10CFD228102370246693 (special order)$1,549.99 MAP
Vector CRB G2 10mm 16" BlkKV10-CBL208102370246143 (special order)$1,479.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB 10MM 16" 10RD CAKV10-CBL228102370246382 (special order)$1,519.99 MAP
Vector SDP-E Gen2 10mm 6.5" TBKV10-PAP308116070337932 (special order)$1,369.99 MAP
Vector SDP G2 10mm 5.5" TB BLKKV10-PBL208102370243172 (special order)$1,249.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G2 10MM 16"KV10-CMCBLK208116070363672 (special order)$1,749.99 MAP
Vector SDP Gen2 10mm 5.5"KV10-PAP208102370243484 (special order)$1,269.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB GEN2 10MM ALPINE CA LEGALKV10CAP228102370247202 (special order)$1,549.99 MAP
KRISS DMK22C 22LR 16.5 TB M4 TELE MLOK FDE 15RDDM22CFD008102370265402 (special order)$729.95
KRISS VCTR CRB G3 10MM 16" 33RD BLKKV10-3CBL008116070398701 (special order)$1,609.99 MAP
KRISS DMK22C 22LR 16.5 TB ARCA HANDGUARD 2 25RDDM22CBL048116070361214 (special order)$879.99 MAP
KRISS DMK22C 22LR 16.5 TB BLK 2 25RDDM22CBL108116070363055 (special order)$789.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR SDP G3 10MM 5.5" 33RD BLKKV10-3PBL008102370276228 (special order)$1,379.99 MAP
Vector CRB Alpine G2 16" 10mm KV10CAP208102370247061 (special order)$1,499.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR CRB G3 10MM 16" 10RD BLKKV10-3CBL018116070398875 (special order)$1,609.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR CRB G3 10MM 10RD 16" CAKV10-3CBL038116070399006 (special order)$1,659.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR SDPE G2 10MM 6.5" 33RD BLKV10-PBL308116070335643 (special order)$1,339.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR CRB G3 45ACP 16" 30RD BLKKV45-3CBL008116070399174 (special order)$1,609.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR CRB G3 45ACP 16" 10RD BLKKV45-3CBL018116070399245 (special order)$1,609.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR SDP G2 40SW 5.5 THRD BLK 15RDKV40PBL208102370242701 (special order)$1,269.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR SDP G2 40SW 5.5 THRD FDE 15RDKV40PFD208102370242871 (special order)$1,289.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR SDP G3 45ACP 5.5" 10RD BKKV45-3PBL018116070398492 (special order)$1,379.99 MAP
Vector CRB G2 .45ACP 16" Alpine WhiteKV45-CAP208102370232972 (special order)$1,499.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR CRB G3 45ACP 10RD 16" CAKV45-3CBL038116070399484 (special order)$1,659.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR SDP G3 45ACP 5.5" 30RD BKKV45-3PBL008116070398323 (special order)$1,379.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G2 40SW 16"KV40-CBL208102370244922 (special order)$1,499.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR SDPE G2 10MM 6.5" 33RD FDKV10-PFD3081160703355715 (special order)$1,369.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB 22LR 16" 10RD ALPKV22-CAP008116070327271 (special order)$809.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR SDP G2 PISTOLKV10PFD208102370243246 (special order)$1,269.99 MAP
KRISS VCTR SDPE G2 10MM 6.5" 15RD FDKV10-PFD304 (special order)$1,369.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB 22LR 16" 10RD FDEKV22-CFD008116070327031 (special order)$809.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G2 22LR 16 FXD STOCK 10RD FDEKV22CFD018116070332431 (special order)$809.99 MAP
KRISS VECTOR CRB G2 22LR 16 FXD STOCK 10RD ALPINKV22CAP018116070332362 (special order)$809.99 MAP
Vector CRB G2 Rifle .22LR 16"KV22-CBL008116070327102 (special order)$789.99 MAP

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