Precise Shooter

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Hours: Tue-Fri: 11am-7pm, Sat: 10am-6pm, Sun-Mon: CLOSED

Products available in store and for special orders

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BCM Rifle CompanyPNT TRIGGER ASSEMBLYBCM-PNT-TA18125260204513 (in stock)$65.95
Geissele AutomaticsSuper Dynamic 3 GunPN 05-1668540140050761 (in stock)$249.95
GlockGlock Performance Trigger Gen 4/5743327645030601995 (in stock)$90.95
GlockGlock Performance TriggerGL702727645030538561 (in stock)$90.95
Rifle BasixCZ 452 SilverCZ-528916780003134 (in stock)$89.95
Rifle BasixSavage 22 &17 Rimfire SearSAV-R8916780001771 (in stock)$59.95
RugerBX-Red Trigger906317366769063142 (in stock)$79.95
TimneyAlpha Glock 5 Gold 3lb PullCE19460819506156981 (in stock)$144.95
TimneyAlpha Trigger GLK Gen. 5TIMALPHAGLOCK50819506150011 (in stock)$183.99 MAP

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